Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Biblia] OR [Subject and Keywords = teologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Paweł II \(papież \; 1920\-2005\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kościół] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kościół katolicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sobór Watykański \(2 \; 1962\-1965\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ekumenizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dogmat] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ratzinger, Joseph \(1927\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = eklezjologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = prymat papieski] OR [Subject and Keywords = dialog] OR [Subject and Keywords = kontekst historyczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = tradycja kościelna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kasper, Walter \(1933\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = hermeneutyka dogmatyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = hermeneutyka teologiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = ewolucja orzeczeń dogmatycznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sobór Watykański \(1 \; 1869\-1870\)] OR [Title = Prymat papieski \- „trudny dar dla całego Kościoła\". Zasady teologicznej hermeneutyki dialogu o prymacie] OR [Creator = Małecki, Roman \(1965\- \)]